Package AWS Lambda Python Code With Docker

In this guide I'll explain how to package (zip) your AWS Lambda Python 2.7 (Edit: Included Python 3.7 as well) code for deploying it to your Lambda function. The main issue I stumbled upon was using Pipenv, most of the guides explain how to handle dependencies with requirements.txt, but not with Pipfile.

I also like to fine-tune the process so that the Docker creation has optimized layers for caching.

Let's start with your directory structure:

Lambda directory structure

This is the usual Python directory structure, with the package name as the source directory. Notice that this project doesn't have a requirements.txt in it, but a Pipfile.

After we are done coding, and want to package and deploy our code to AWS Lambda, it's not enough for us to simply zip the source code. We also need to package the dependencies, in a flat hierarchy. Pip has the option to install all dependencies to a target folder (with --target) But Pipenv does not. It always creates a virtualenv with the dependencies.

There is a now closed thread on adding support for flat dependency install in Pipenv but it doesn't look like it's going to be implemented.

In order to consistently reproduce our code archive, both on our computer, and on the CI server (Be it Travis, Jenkins or whatever else), and also in order to allow other developers to package the code without having to install all required dependencies on their system, we want to use Docker for it.

The Dockerfile

Dockerfile for Python 2.7:

FROM amazonlinux:2

RUN yum -y update && yum -y install gcc python-devel zip

RUN curl | python -
RUN pip install pipenv


COPY Pipfile* ./

RUN pipenv lock -r | sed 's/-e //g' | pip install -r /dev/stdin --target .
COPY lambdas ./
RUN find . -type f -iname '*.pyc' -delete && rm Pipfile*

RUN zip -r /tmp/ .

NOTE: I've update the Dockerfile and updated the Python version to 3.7:

FROM amazonlinux:2


RUN yum -y update && yum -y install gcc python3-devel python3 zip

RUN curl | python3 -
RUN pip install pipenv

COPY Pipfile* ./

RUN pipenv install --deploy && cp -r $(pipenv --venv)/lib/python3.7/site-packages/. ./
COPY lambdas ./

RUN find . -type f -iname '*.pyc' -delete -o -type d -name __pycache__ -delete && rm Pipfile*

RUN zip -r /tmp/ .

I also like to make sure there aren't any redundant binary files. At the end I zip all the code from the workdir to an archive in tmp/ awaiting to be copied out of the docker image, and deployed to AWS Lambda function.

It's also important to note that only regular dependencies are installed, so development dependencies stay out of the archive, lowering zip filesize.

Creating the archive

Make sure you are in the lambda code directory, then run:

$ docker build . -t aws-lambda
$ CONTAINER_ID=$(docker create aws-lambda)
$ docker cp ${CONTAINER_ID}:/tmp/
$ docker rm ${CONTAINER_ID}

Which will build the docker, create a temp container with the image, copy the zip from the container and then remove the container. is ready to be uploaded to AWS.

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